Jokermania (vote por la que más le guste)
1. "What doesn't kill you, makes you stranger".
2. "What I propose it's simple: kill the Batman"
3. "Here is my card"
4. "You wanna know how I got these scars"
5. "Our organization is small but we have a lot of opportunities for agressive expansion"
6. "Why so serious"
7. "Hello, beautiful"
8. "I am an agent of chaos. Chaos is fair"
9. "I am a man of simple taste: I enjoy dinamite, gunpowder and gasoline"
10. "You're son fun. I can't kill you, you complete me"
p.d. El joker no le pega a su mamá (igual sigue siendo más fan del encapotado)
Yo voto por la 10 :)
Te gustó más este Joker que el de Batman 1?
claro pe kokimbo, nicholson ha quedado como un payaso barato frente a ledger. "I enjoy dinamite, gunpowder and gasoline"
Mi frase favorita es:
6. "Why so serious"
Maestro Heath Ledger. Soy recontra hincha de Batman, pero el joker se robo la pelicula.
WHY SO SERIOUS? (pero con su agregado "Let`s put a smile on that face!" )
Algunas otras frases (¿es que todo el parlamento guasoniano es memorable?):
* "Do I really look like a man with a plan?"
* "I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught one"
*"Ladies and gentleman, we're tonight´s entretainement"
* "Ah ha ah he ho ha... and i thought my jokes were bad"
* "Wanna see a magic trick? I can make this pencil disappear"
* "If your good at something, never do it for free"
Mi frase favorita es la uno: "What doesn't kill you, makes you stranger". El Joker parafraseando (y volviendo más postmoderno) a Nietzsche...
"Why so serious"
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